
YEAHHHH I can't wait till all Android Phones say With Google!

Something tells me it not just bananas.... I bet apples can kill you too.

wow if they are going to rip off someone else work don't forget to add the Bananaphone!!

I use email for most of my communications so yeah I like the push. Maybe 5 minutes is not bad but an 1 or so would be.

LMAO with glass bathroom walls!

ohh make that 4th!

Gah I like my T-Mobile, good coverage, good prices, good phones. But hell we need some more COs here. This is starting to remind me of Ma Bell.

if they have all that glass, where the hell did they put all the cameras? and can I request none in my bathroom ?

just want to say this is the 3rd time I have cleared this notification.

LOL I think the best part of this is the shacking.... could not help but LOL....

not really a tip but more a question about Gawker. Ever Gawker page I go to I have to clear the damn notifications. Even when I click clear all on Lifehack they still come up on giz and io9. Any way around this?

@KamWrex my computer room is kinda dark.

speaking of keyboards I need a new wireless keyboard....Any suggestions?

OHHH I so want to break this... I am blocking giz and then going to do site specific searches on giz. MHAHAHAHAH

yeah but its not one thats been in space, If I remember right its just a mock up.

so what are they going to do with the Enterprise thats in there now?

D.C.'s National Air and Space Museum has one... well kinda.... Give it to Kennedy, they have to have a a shuttle, its where it launched from. Plus I live in fl and would be able to drive out to see it. ;)

Yeah I liked the RPG style of 1 better then 2. it really was a perfect game play. That being said I will pre-order 3.

ahh yes but the end of 1 happened in ME2, so could be the same kind of thing.

I sure as hell hope that when Bio is down with SWTOR they make a Mass Effect MMO. I would fork over some major cash to play that.