
awwww they all have tank condoms on!!!

how does this show get 2 seasons but Firefly gets canceled at 1? I don't get network tv.

ok I forgot.... where is the no apple giz option?

yeah but when you put stickers on it then your not conforming.... its all about being unique as a conformist..... ohh you get the point....

so what about a Mainboard for cheap?

love the pic of the guy on a sail boat plugging away on his brand new computer. LMAO.

agree good movie

Can't read the X-Box stuff bad color to pic... but very cool...

The reason is no matter how much or what you do someone can still get your info. Your getCocon.com... what are you going to do if the government comes by with a warrant for info on a user? You got to hand over information that was private. They only way to keep your privacy is to not let anyone else know. You can make

anyone have any clue what kind of RC set up he is running with?

yeah I agree... plus every browser collects data on what you do and where you go... First rule of the internet is Everyone knows what your doing when on line. If you don't like it then don't get on the internet.

hey I'm stuck at work and refresh it every 5 minutes.


So I know the "rooting for humanity" thing but I kinda want Watson to just kick their asses.

So I hear you have to leave the display on when its running. I guess thats the only way to keep the g-sensor running. So what does that do to the display life and heat of the phone? anyone try this app yet?

Now only if they would like me dream of electric sheep.

I like that... I am going to start one for your bank.... you log into my page and give me your bank info and then I log into that...... Small fee's apply. :)

I can already see the PSA about not leaving your portable heater on in your car.

"But the thing with having a smartphone is that you never have to call anyone, so what are you going to do with those 1000 minutes? "

So your now Starting Page is gathers all the data on what crazy stuff your searching for. Got it!