
Parenthoooooooooodah !!!!!
*goes to Disneyland*

Have to have the Rick to go with the Shane.  Can't have two Shanes (Shani?) .  Can't have a group of Shanes (Shaneps??).   No drama.  Zombie A-Team.  Different Show. 

Your mother was a hamster

There's a joke in here somewhere about needing butter for your popcorn or not…

@avclub-104b761215d73eb331cce98b297b3aec:disqus I got your back. Unless of course there's a zombie horde behind us.  In which case, I am shooting you in the leg and making a break for it.

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

#93 Vampires do not sparkle

+1 for Cloverfield.  I feel like we are all hunkered down in the subway tunnel: dodging military crossfire and massive monster paws

"You might as well measure the mass of a doughnut hole."  EPIC PUTDOWN!  + 100 POINTS

agreed - will say it was stupid to try and pull the zombie whale outta the well.  No way JackLord42 would drink outta that well (again) (ever)

As far as the characters being "stupid", the title of this show is not "Zombie SEAL Kill Team".  Some (Daryl, Shane, Rick) have extensive gun training.  Others (Andrea, Glenn) not so much.  So yeah it was stupid of Andrea to fire before knowing the target.  But it has been extensively set up in the story the last few

Perhaps "Legi"

Could be but they were attacked by a bear…

I was hoping Bohannon was going to go full on (pre Special Edition) Han Solo on Levine… alas !

To set the record straight:  
it was not a sin for Crosby to sleep with Max's therapist when Max's therapist was Minka Kelly.  
Thank you for your time,
Crosby's Chorus

Would somebody kindly explain what is meant by "Ship-O-Meter" in Landlubber terms?