
Me, too, but that’s what I liked about it. 

It wasn’t impossible, and having the ah-ha moment made it all the more enjoyable. I don’t need force-feeding.

Yes! It made me engage much more with the story and the characters’ motivations.

I never read the books or heard of this before the Netflix series. I liked the format and though I didn’t realize there were multiple timelines that far apart from each other until Sonic the Hedgehog showed up, I enjoyed piecing it together and reflecting on the new information I had about people’s motivations in

Yes. I enjoyed that I didn’t fully realize the timelines were that different until that episode and I had to piece it together. It was fun, and it helped me better appreciate the character’s motivations from earlier episodes and reflect on them a bit. I really, really liked this aspect of the story telling.

Huh? Is this sarcasm. Can’t you just click pause or close the video window at the end of an episode?

Or a “New Hope II”, which was fun but left me wondering where is this going? Didn’t we do this already? Oh, so now a remnant of an empire can build a planet sized death star and a death star fleet and fleet destroying force lightning. Oh great. Did my 7 year old come up with the overarching plot?

Uh... A big chunk of TLJ, almost half of it in fact, is driven by the mystery of who Rey’s parents are. Almost everything surrounding her interactions with Luke and Kylo center on this.

Oh, but you missed his rehashed version of ESB since he didn’t get to do episode 8. It was going to be awesome. Like the original but with 300% more lens flare and force Skyping!

But suppose Johnson didn’t off Snoke, wouldn’t the overall plot likely have just been the same in episode 9 but now it’s Snoke’s fleet of death star enabled star destroyers and a rehashed ROTJ ending where Rey fights Snoke and is shown her friends apparently losing the battle in the sky? I don’t get why Johnson is to

Just because TLJ did things Abrams didn’t anticipate when he set things up with TFA, assuming he had plans for it anyway, didn’t mean episode 9 needed to be a poorly made movie. The pacing was terrible and it was too much of a ROTJ rehash, but done poorly. I liked that Snoke was killed off because it was leading to

I enjoyed this commentary! And find myself in the middle leaning toward that this was a bad movie. It could have gone interesting places with what the previous two movies set up (like, maybe let the character we’ve been watching develop into the big bad guy be the big bad guy without needing another truly big bad guy

Forget Rey the Mary Sue... We need to rip on Baby Yoda the Mary Sue. Like how did a Baby Yoda learn to lift a large animal when Boomer Yoda could barely lift an X-Wing?

Wait... does this mean baby yodaling is a Mary Sue? —- lifting a large animal with minimal training while Master Yoda struggled to lift an X-wing out of the swamp. Oh no... What are the Rey haters going to do?

“29. I am usually not a spiteful person,”

Beat me to it. Though I was going to just say it was a Podling...

Of the Gelfings, the Deet puppet seemed to move better and more naturally, even in the face, which made me wonder if her face was constructed differently. Hats off to her puppeteer. She nailed it.

Wow, I didn’t know swapping seats so parents could sit with their kids was so difficult for people. Sure, get assigned seats or arrive early to the airport with Southwest to be there for the family boarding time, but stuff happens. Sometimes people have to schedule last minute flights. (Crazy, huh?) Does everyone who

Wait... so the He-Man tv show was just trying to get my under 5 years old self to want to buy their action figures?  I feel so violated right now. Next, you’re going to tell me that Transformers and GI Joe were just one giant commercial...

But hey, they still got that sock puppet mouth movement going on from the original, plus the Muppet-style body swaying, so there’s that to look forward to!