
Captain Planet would be proud.

Buy the mile? This sounds like paying my internet provider for my local network activity. Soon someone comes along with system which just sells you a device.

Tell me again about that time you threw for four touchdowns in a single game in high school... and how that was the high point of your life.

You wouldn't download a car in 3...2....

They just acted incredibly smug around it, and the doors opened themselves.

Why are we putting some credence in this rendering (it is a rendering)? Well, if you look at the image, it has a small watermark that says "designed by Seth Elson." Mazda North America has an engineer named Seth Elson who lives in Orange County, according to LinkedIn. There's also a Twitter account for "SethOfDeath"

No driver feedback? Please, its grounded to the ground.

This message is Datsun owner approved...

It's a Datsun, so I'm going to guess the cost of a 10mm socket and ratchet.

Airline does something nice.

I'm going to do something scary, and guess in a fair, unbiased way which one might be apprehensive.

y'know, as much as I believe government isn't automatically the answer to everything, I don't really have a problem with this. If only states in the US would go after unsafe mods like this, or those retards who put HID capsules in their stock halogen housings, or people driving with two temporary spares, or those

So.... Is this a plane wreck or a train wreck?

I'm waiting for the first stanced car to have it's rocker-panels ripped off by Ray. Seriously, I want to see that video when it happens.

I'm from MA and I've never been informed of any "laws of traffic." What is that you speak of?

I'd like to think that simply affixing a Mass plate to a car causes wild swings in the laws of physics (and the laws of traffic).

Now he has a Lamborghini desk.