Jack in Ga

Lmao.  Bed Wetters are liberals..  Panty waist is another term for liberals..  The terms were tied to the left because they tend to run from tyrants and despots like little girls and cry..  Unless they stick their foot in their mouth and talk about red lines, then they tend to make horrible decisions based upon saving

Obviously you have no problems with the lies and distortions coming from MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and the rest of the liberal media.  "liberals do equal stupid"  I mean we see story after story about how Obamacare has hurt unemployment numbers, how a full time job is now 30 hours instead of 40, and how people don't get to

It's funny how the libs think that conservatives should accept the liberal slander, lies and distortions that come from democrats..  here's a case where the liberal writer of this story and the liberal hollywood performer complain after they start the argument by harassing Hannity..