
If the Flyers are smart, one of Mason/Neurvith will be traded at the deadline, both of those goalies will be gone next year and they’ll bring up Stolarz/Hart and put some of that money towards an elite winger.

Never trust a striker who doesn’t have a belly button.


I just don’t get it with her - never found her funny, always thought her timing was a bit off when delivering punchlines and the like. Compared to all of the other exceptional talents to emerge from that show, I put her at the very back of the class. To each their own I suppose.

do my eyes deceive...or does the mom have the patented “thumb print sex bruise” on her left bicep? may need to up the iron in her diet.

was fortunate enough to catch David Byrne on the Atomic Bomb! William Onyeabor tour when they swung through SF for one night between NYC and LA. amazing performance. also caught him with st. vincent at bonnaroo in ‘13. the onstage choreography was a sight to behold, with byrne and st. vincent rotating around the back,

It’s a shame the site has fallen off. 2005-2010 on Match.com in NYC was a special time for an upwardly mobile young man (over 6’0, natch) with disposable income, a wide-ranging knowledge of current events, and a solid head of hair.