Jackie Legs from Canarsie

I applaud Lonergan if only because reading that student article gave me cancer.

Sorry. Been going over this with too many people already.

Oh, piss off.

I know it's no underdog, but La La Land really deserves everything it's been getting.

He and AV Club's own Ignaty Vishnevetsky are my two favorite critics right now.

It hurt to watch him and Glenn Close in that Warcraft thing.


Can't wait for "The Fastidious Nine" then "Fas10Furious'

Arabian Nights is a great song. What hookah are you smoking?

At first I was like "I think you mean Maya Rudolph" and then I was like "…whaat" and then I was like "oh".

I choose….Buzz Lightyear!

It reminds me of the way John Wayne kept saying it in Rio Bravo.