Jackie Jormpjomp

Interesting. Wish I could find that novelization too.

The Straight Up version sucks.

The Straight Up version sucks.

Can't wait to see this. Instead of Morgan Freeman, Werner Herzog is the guy to narrate my life story. My mundane existence will sound so much more monumental that way.


Point proven. Psycho.

BWAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, tens of millions. Look up hyperbole. I remember when you losers try to get everyone to boycott the BLU release as protest and then it sold through the roof. Heh. Heh heh. HAHAHAHA. Yeah tens of millions.

You're a psycho.

No. Not most people. Just because a vocal minority of rabid whiners complain daily about wanting to see the old versions of Star Wars doesn't mean the whole worlds does, or even cares. I for one wouldn't mind seeing them, and would again if they were all remastered and what not, but would probably defer to the later

And it largely worked because it dealt with an imagined administration and not addressing real life campaigns with fictional characters and events (which many of it's viewers will assume are real).

Shows like this are troublesome because they portray a current or recent real event and the fictionalized version soon becomes "fact" for it's viewers. The Facebook flick is a grand example of that. What makes this show even more obnoxious, however, is that it takes those same events and writes the protagonists with

I'm afraid that this was a little tough to read. Hope dude is getting it all straightened out for himself.

You may be right or wrong about the entries on this, but either way many of these shows wouldn't have been as good without the lead character as portrayed.

Take your meds. Lie down. When you wake up rethink your life and your confused post. Make amends. Never post something so idiotic ever again.

It probably has something to do with the fact that his movies still make money. I don't got see them, but apparently a lot of other people do. It is the bane of many fanboy's existence that Pacific Rim will not make anywhere near the domestic box office as another movie where Sandler and his buddies film themselves on

Two lines. That is amount of useful information here. The rest of this "article" is a masturbatory exercise from what sounds to be a rather frustrated unpublished comedic author of some kind.

This is the first season in the five years or so I've been watching that I watched one episode of after dark and then decided to skip the whole thing this year.

Too awesome.

BIg Bang sucks, but numbers are numbers. I actually watch NCIS and it's not groundbreaking but it is a solid show. It also draws in over 20 million viewers. That's a lot of pissed off people so that a few million nerds feel like their voice matters. We have AMC, Showtime, USA, IFC, HBO, Starz, FX for niche stuff. And

Again, you're quoting jokes from a show that AIRED ON NBC, and longer than anyone thought it would. Do you not see the irony of your complaint?