
You know you’re trans long before you get to puberty. It’s about gender, not about sex.

Your username is very ironic.

That’s the point, he doesn’t want to wrestle girls, girls don’t want to wrestle him, and the UIL is saying that the situation created by their rules that require him to wrestle as a girl and upsets everyone except the UIL isn’t their problem.

Yeah, he should be wrestling with the guys. Like he wants to.

I am blown away by this wonderful act of trolldom.

I’m a German historian and can’t believe I’m living in a world where I actually have to consult Mein Kampf regularly for references.

I’m saying I don’t think a whole lot of thought and analysis went into it...?

That is hilarious, and a wonderful allegory for them being completely unaware that they are supporting Russian interests by supporting Trump.

My short-term life goal is to be the person who did this!

They’re so white they’re transparent.

You just don’t see the thousands of people in that photo because the lying leftist media deliberately took it while they were all off at a Bowling Green Massacre memorial reception.

Well, sure. I didn’t mean love in the classic, reciprocal way. He wants a one-sided love (or worship, sure) that is all about him.

Trump is a tree in the woods. If no one is there to witness, he may as well not exist.

I hope it destroys him.

Wee see them sure but don’t underestimate how much republican voters hate democrats or how much they hate women and POC and other minorities. It’s for the most part on us for 2020 and 100% on us for midterm and down ticket 2020 races. We might get some who vote libertarian in 2020 and maybe a few who crossover at the

I really don’t think it’s going to work. We all see them and what they’re doing. Chaffetz is refusing to open an investigation into Trump and Russia but he’s got time to go after a Clinton aide? WE SEE YOU. McConnell and Ryan’s concerted efforts to obstruct anyone who does want to investigate the misdeeds of this

SAme here. I’m in my second quarter at school, and I’ve been completely useless. I alternate between massively consuming news and sinking into deep pits of anxiety and depression. I am seriously worried about my grades at this point.

Ok you all: I have a problem. I really have not been able to do anything else except surf the news since the election. Some people I know have decided to shut it out (one told me yesterday that the “news isnt gonna get better for four years” so I might as well tune out and save myself the heartache) but I can’t do it.

I just turned 32 and the other day one of my arms fell off.

I would rather see him fucking a plane that fucking a country.