
I have zero sympathy. ZERO. And I feel bad for everyone. If you didnt care that Trump and every single Republican said REPEATEDLY “We are repealing Obamacare but we wont tell you with what we will replace it with” and you voted for them DESPITE benefiting from Obamacare, zero fucks given.

Some immigrants think that just because they have a citizenship or a green card they are like any other citizen. No, you are not, white people only tolerate us. (I know not all white people #notallwhitepeople).

Well, that’s a “and then they came for me” moment if I ever saw one.

What is he actually ordering, though? He’s Bannon’s lapdog, signing shit and watching cartoons. I’d bet money he doesn’t even know what’s going on.

This might happen. What I worry about is his opponents going to far and making his use of force seem legitimate (in the face of a “threat”). And by opponents I mean the protesters and/or those in the halls of government. Let’s be clear here, we are all trying to sway public opinion and as such we can’t miscalculate,

The angrier he gets the worse he’ll be...and he is not happy right now. He is getting it from all sides. I’d enjoy it if it weren’t so terrifying.

This is what America did to the Jews in WWII. We are literally repeating history and no one is stopping this.

The GOP and everyone participating in enforcing this bullshit are complicit in crimes against humanity.

“They said it was one of the great speeches.”

The best words. Tremendous words. Many people are saying.

Well like Robin Williams said, Bush was great for comedians because he was a comedy pinata.

Sadly, the other day I told my friend, “Remember when George W. said the word strategery?” We both laughed, like oh hahaha! That George! What a silly, goofball he was! 

You’d understand it if you spoke Working-class American, duhhhhh. Here, let a Real American translate for you:

My county (Montgomery County in MD) is staying a sanctuary city no matter what and I’m so damn proud of the people representing me right now. I will say it’s a wealthier county so it won’t be hurt as much as some others from the lack of federal funding.

If he weren’t the P*OTUS this would be hysterically funny.

THIS is what needs to be framed.

Yet 14-year-old girls handle it with more dignity every damned day.

It must be exhausting to be so easily offended. The amount of time and effort he puts into being petty is almost impressive.