
I was disappointed by this episode. The tone was uneven and the plot was too contrived (after seeing one video of Didi, the guys decide to go full creeper on her for a field trip?). Overall pretty weak.

After watching the first episode, I'm not sure I understand what the hook is. And based on some of the conversations and description of the next episode, is the target audience people that live in L.A.?

"By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising…go kill yourself." -Bill Hicks

I have none yet. I want to the first one to be so Earth-shattering that I win twitter and everyone else gives it up.

And it is called The Happening, so how seriously can we really take it.

I don't recalled any physical evidence connecting Brendan to Teresa in Making a Murderer. Was he really convicted based almost entirely on his incoherent statements?!

Not even random minutes, often full jokes or one-liners.

Master of None - Parents and Indians on TV were great episodes, but much of the flirting in the episodes afterward seemed spurious and irritating.

I remember when I first tried watching Garden State in high school I turned it off twenty minutes in. But the outright animosity towards Braff is unwarranted. The movies might have been bad, and his response to criticism was whiny, but who really cares?

Subway added a number of bacon items to its menu, and Jared lost a lot of weight eating Subway. Now he's going to jail for child pornography. Hence, bacon will turn you into a paedo. I think that is the greater concern here.

Yes, bacon is the perfect addition to any meal for those who are looking to increase their waistline and lower their life expectancy!

Their unplanned pregnancy in the later seasons worked well to illustrate their working class plight. I think it lost direction afterward with the baby and Hayden Panetierre.

Sand. It gets errywhere. Not like you.

Riffing on older plots/beating a dead horse, tomato/tom-ah-to. This season is just superfluous.

Shout out to Reel Big Fish. In their words, "We hate it when our friends become successful, and if it's No Doubt, that's even worse."

It seems like they still have quite a bit of mythology to fill in and connect. I'd be surprised if they do it within one season.

Somehow the three-way tie and the subsequent shared contentment seemed very authentic for Iceland. Not sure why.

I was honestly waiting for him to pop up at the last moment. Still good, but certainly created a different vibe to the episode.

I could barely get through four minutes of an episode. Can we file this under so-bad-it's-hella-stupid? It makes Horsin' Around look sophisticated.

The only times I have eaten at McD's in the last ten years have been abroad. I would totally go to one that served a shrimp burger (Japan), veggie burger (Germany) or grilled cheese (France).