
True they would surely enslave us when they discover that we idol people like Justin Beiber, Rebeca Black, and are addicted to things such as Facebook; I'm sure that wouldn't go over so well. Here's to hoping we run into a race more primitive than us.

It's obvious that there has to be life somewhere out there, but the question is why haven't we discovered any yet? its 2012, and we have yet to discover even a speck of bacteria not to mention aliens.. all we do is sit back and speculate and watch other planets. How about we start acting. Send someone on a rocket into

Never get that pesky chocolate syrup into your phone ever again.

I don't understand everyone's obsession with high resolution screens on laptops; 80% of the people buying them use them to get on facebook and watch youtube videos. I don't think its that necessary to have an extra 100 pixels to creep on someone.

Haha this reminds me of a kid i sat behind last semester in my physics class who would always take notes on his tablet. It would take him like 10 pages worth in his tablet trying to write them down with his stylus and i wondered why the fool didn't just use paper; it seemed silly.

HAHAHA how did i know that you would once again dismiss anything i said with a reply that made no sense. You sir are just confusing, and if people brought back their tvs becaues the "picture quality wasnt good" they i suggest you tell them to stop being idiots. 1080p is 1080p, samsung doesnt have magic pixels that

So what exactally does this do? More importantly i guess, does it do much more than my 360 does with netflix and games and what not. I've been considering getting google tv or this since it looks pretty nice but i feel as if it wouldn't have much use next to my 360.

Oh boy a stylus, perhaps next year in 2001 we will have touch screen phones.

And ugly as well. I thought the new android was supposed to have on screen buttons, so why the buttons at the bottom? Can't they just Remove everything and just have a skinny gorilla glass phone, no buttons at all. How hard is that? the only thing it needs is a pressure sensor for unlocking somewhere.

I've been wondering why no one used carbon fiber as well; I just assumed it was ridiculously expensive to use, otherwise why use stupid plastic?

Tebo had 1729 passing yards this season. Luke 17:29 "But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all." i find that one much more appropriate. Reminds me of the irony of the bible in which god kills countless, many for no apparent reason and yet the devil is never said to kill

I fully expect the title of the upcoming post about the Apple t.v to say something along the lines of apple releasing a samsung clone, followed by a plethora of comments making light of the fact that the Apple TV is a rip off of the Samsung TV and they will be sued by Samsung.

"We'll have pricing and availability deets for you ASAP". You put samsung, super OLED and voice control in the same sentence, do we even care to know the price? I'll have to sell my son on facebook to afford it.

People are just perplexed at how such a terrible quarterback could do so much. I will say that he had a good game against the Steelers, but for the overall season he was terrible..46% completion is not quarterback status i don't care what you say. I'm just hoping the pats O line can hold up so that brady can just tear


I was merely using food to demonstrate that people buy what looks good, perhaps you should use that college education and learn to read. And if you think that the majority of people in this country knows what ram, cache, or the difference between dedicated and integrated graphics are then i suggest you look at the

Food companies don't spend millions on packaging for nothing; studies show that people are inherently dumb and will buy a polished turd. Most friends i know with macbook know nothing about computers and bought them simply because they looked cool in a commercial. They don't buy them because they researched it and

Congrats vizio on making two products that look better visually than apples options IMO. That AIO looks very nice with its sleek, skinny screen and the stainless steel stand connected to a computer at the bottom for easy access to the ports, where as apple has that fat ugly screen on their imac with an aluminum stand

It essentially is the same as a mouse with your eyes instead of a trackpad. All you do is click down, look where you want to click and then let go of the mouse button. Now all they need to do is enable audio or a winking action, so i look at what i want and either wink at it or say "go go gadget eyeballs" or

Does something with this high of a resolution even look good? I don't know why but i've seen movies on those new high def LED tv's and it just looks fake. I don't quite know how to explain it but the movie doesn't look right, it looks as if it was unedited or something. Not quite a how the movie should look. Maybe i'm