
I just find it funny that previous to the ipad being released i remember everyone predicting it to be around $1000, and then ole steve released it with this "revolutionary" price of $600, and now this $600 tablet comes out and its overpriced.

That was not a review, it was for sales for 2010 in which vizio completely tore apart all of the competition which previously sold ridiculously priced tvs which are no better than Vizios.

Time has that effect on things..everything in the world will fail if you give it enough time. As for your problem, ive owned 3 vizio's, one of which i bought when they first came out and its still running fine. Millions of others agree as well, you just got unlucky i guess.

Why take all that work to create another OS when they already have windows 7, which is amazing. Just focus on making a solid laptop for a reasonable price and they will be fine.

I'm glad to hear that i brightened up your day, please explain.

Haha, exactally..its pretty impressive that it all stayed together, and on the plus side now they can all live sideways in their homes for added enjoyment.

Thank god. Vizio already stepped into the tv market where samsung and others had ridiculously priced Tv's for no reason and then Vizio started selling great tvs for a mere fraction of the cost and effectively took over the LCD market. Now perhaps we can have great quality laptops like apples, but without the apple tax.

Exactally, Firefox was the best browser perhaps 5 years ago, and i don't i even know anyone owning a mac that actually uses safari. This must have been a ranking of worst browsers and they messed up the title.

Of course, because your super advanced ears can ear every note of that extra 10k you blew for no reason..or maybe they just sound a little better than a 400$ pair of headphones. If your interested I'll sell you a car for 100k that sparkles gold under ultraviolet light, but of course under visible light its just a

I just don't understand how in the hell we could shut down the space shuttle program. Explain to me why we aren't out there exploring the infinite expanse of space, and planets, and furthering our understanding of the universe. We spend billions on pointless shit every day, why not be out there exploring the mysteries

True we understand almost nothing of the universe and of the world at a quantum level, but we use light everyday, and you think an invisibility cloak would be at the top of the list of things we need to be able to do with light.. Perhaps they should look into sending packets of energy around the object to bend the

Yea, those definitely work, i've also used them in class. the whole class was looking around for the high pitched ringtone, yet the teacher had absolutely no clue what was going on.

I agree, when making a lightweight laptop aluminum is the obvious choice, and yet when anyone makes a skinny aluminum laptop, OH NO its a macbook.. please, as if apple invented aluminum. wtf else are they supposed to make a square of aluminum look like?

I just don't get how we've understood light for quite sometime now, and is used in nearly everything we do, but the best we can do is bend light around an object for a mere 40 picoseconds? Come on now scientists..lets get serious.

Virtually no ports and running OSX, no thank you. Also, lets see that air after a 10ft drop compared to this beast.

Hey man, dont be throwing your theories at us like that.

Same with me. I've had many packages shipped from both UPS and Fedex, and they both leave the box at my front door, ring the doorbell and leave.

I'd like to patent the use of gasoline in a vehicle please.

I say we pass a bill to allow us to block the government from having stupid fucking ideas like this, not block the internet. What in the hell makes them think they get to choose what information we are deemed fit to see? We need a government website and whenever one of them has a dumb ass idea i push a button and he's

Put some Mccormick's in there and take it around with you for the day. Not only is your Camelbak clean, but your day becomes increasingly more interesting.