
Could you please explain to me what it is about death that all of a sudden he should be respected. Scumbag while alive, Scumbag while dead, end of story, period. Death is not some sort of barrier to stop making fun of someone, as if something changed about the man as soon as he died. Had you been in North Korea, i'm

To avoid all of these companies if it is their wish to ruin the internet. Except for ESPN of course, because what would i do without fantasy football? Also, that scribd box for viewing the document is awesome.

I think the obvious move here for htc would be to patent everything and everything to do with speaking to your tv to control it. Not only that, but anything having to do with syncing your tv with a laptop, ipod, ect, and proceed to rape apple when their tv comes out.

Quick, someone go patent the use of nand memory in phones and computers, and then in 5 years sue every tech company in existence.

He, and this article are talking about phones, not laptops. Around my campus i don't see too many iPhones, but yes i would agree, macbook pros are literally everywhere..You cant walk into a single building without seeing at least 5 macbooks around you.

Just because you obviously worship the iPhone every night doesn't mean that every kid around college is carrying one around...I go to college and see FAR more android phones than iphones, in fact it seems as though i rarely see iPhones. Also, i think this is a great idea judging by all the kids i see walking around

Yes, you can buy as little shares as you want, it doesn't matter. As for Trystians comment, there are some websites that are 5$ a share, and some that if you put a minimum of 2000$ in you get free trades, so i don't see 15$ in Orion's case to be too bad..the appl share alone would make up for it eventually.

I'm using chrome and it's always fine for me.

Why don't they make phone cases with solar panels in them to charge your phone?

Haha, im glad you're not mad at me, and I did in fact read the article, but i was talking about patents in general from Googles comment about how "Patents were meant to encourage innovation, but lately they are being used as a weapon to stop it."

Twas a joke, i realize that canada has a military and has in fact been in WWI, WWII, as well as Afghanistan and many others.

I realize that, but i was talking about patents in general, not this specific one.

I never said that apple was the only one patenting them, i am fairly aware that all companies do it, i just said apple because they are the main company i see on this website doing it.

Google has a point. It seems as though many companies (mainly Apple it seems) have been patenting everything from having a volume button to being able to place a call, and then suing every company in sight for using them. It's ridiculous.

Canada is also protected by and directly on top of the number one military in the world.

Too bad i didn't read the comments. Perhaps Canada should get itself a military capable of defending itself from something and that joke wouldn't have to be made numerous times. This article should be questioning why Canada is spending almost as much on their military as we do on our rusty shit.

That is so tragic. The weed of course, not the numerous deaths.

Canada has a military? Nonsense.

Of course dinosaurs didn't exist, that's completely ridiculous. We instead had zombies of course.

I too would definitely appreciate an invite if anyone would be willing. email is jhartman023@gmail.com