Jack Harman

I had the same mouse, but with forward/backward buttons on the side. I loved it like a child until I drunkenly lost it.

Watt = Joules per second. Watt per hour = god knows #corrections

By contrast, I'm at Johns Hopkins and they got Passion Pit for 4/20, and are throwing a 'stoner-themed' party

@Firebert: Bah! As someone who knows nothing about music, I prefer my amusing way of looking at it in seconds.

Saying unsubstantiated things like 'bullying is at an all time high' is totally irresponsible. That is doubly true when you hyperlink that phrase to a report which provides no such evidence. I trust Gizmodo for some of my news because unlike traditional media you cite your sources. But here you have acted just like

I swear Ctrl+scrolling zooms in Win7. At least it does on both my laptops and my desktop, from 3 different manufacturers...

I don't buy it. Firstly, there is no archaeological evidence that the Jews were ever in Egypt on a large scale, which throws into question the whole story. Secondly, the journal this was published in is not peer-review, which means they probably couldn't get it into a journal where their claims would have been

Just like on every London day, you mean.

@framitz: It would freeze first, thanks to the wonderful cooling system they have

Except of course that for all of the world outside America, 08/09/10 is the 8th of September.

This seems highly implausible. Neither FM nor TV radiation is ionising, so I find it hard to imagine how it could possibly cause cancer.

@Segador: I agree actually, but he is so very funny.

You're up against Stephen Fry. That's some difficult competition mate!

@Peter Shultz: I'm afraid that's not what Jobs said. He said that out of every 100 calls, the iPhone 4 drops 1 more than the 3GS did. As in, if the 3GS dropped 5% of calls, the iPhone 4 drops 6%. Jobs should have phrased this better, as a percentage is much clearer than his 'out of 100' malarkey, even though it means

@Raidah: Or maybe making fun of existing ones?

As much of a nerd as I am, I don't get any of your jokes. As a result, I will suggest a new one:

@Wade McGillis: Not dissing Christianity, just making the point that trying to use faith to improve the world generally doesn't work, but using science really can.

I just think it's nice to see that the 'Atheist Pocket Debater' is the top book app on the app store.