
I think you’re burying the lede here that there’s such a thing as a “Saskatoon investor”. What were they offering to buy the Blues with, beaver pelts?

Don’t forget that Kroenke is also one of the 7 NFL owners that donated at least $1 million to Trump’s inauguration fund or campaign 

The greatest business transaction he ever made was depositing his dick into a Walton.

I swear it’s like he cobbled together that goddamn hairpiece by hanging out near a storm drain and piecing together any hair that washes out.

No, not our beloved captains of industry. 

I think when we talk about how much we hate the Patriots, it’s with the awareness that 90% of people associated with the NFL are fairly loathsome in their own right.

He’s out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct. And he is still in the field...

This is indeed some strange shit, when Stern is taking the unequivocal moral high ground.

Yeah, agree about the reaction to his words and attitude.

Wow, that is...not at all surprising. Pig.

Lol, a “victim.” Of making only obscene amounts of money instead of obscene amounts of money plus 20%.

Alternate theory: the wig is an alien that controls his brain. Trump’s hair is one too. These aliens are inherently evil, self-serving, and look down on the rest of humanity, and plot to destroy us and/or make us miserable for their own personal enjoyment.

The Rams relocation vote is passed. The system goes online January 14th, 2016. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. The Toupée begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

Rich don’t give a fuck.

This motherfucker looks like an off-brand Sam Elliott.

Considering that Wal-Mart has encouraged offshoring probably more than any other corporation in American history, maybe we should admire Kroenke for at least keeping the Rams in the United States.

He looks like Marv Albert in witness protection.

Stan Kroenke looks like the fourth-place finisher in a Sam Elliott look-alike contest.

it wants to eat you