
your first clue that biel is ignorant where matters of science are concerned is when she demonstrates the notion that science is a matter of belief, rather than reality...as in “i believe in vaccinations.” yes folks, she’s another lovely twit using her beauty pulpit to make the world a worse place.

i hope someone picked it up after it “snapped off.”

“nothing really graphic about the clip”?  perhaps that’s because, somehow, with two cameras pointed directly in a line between the catcher and the pitcher’s mound, WE NEVER GOT TO SEE THE BALL ACTUALLY HIT HER.  in fact, with this setup, you couldn’t have edited out the impact any better if you’d tried.

“bland suburb”

envy is not a good look.

yes, because being pushed over a metal barricade should never cause ANYONE to fall, ever!

“...Throw the Dick Off a Damn Baseball”

“...Throw the Dick Off a Damn Baseball”

they’re all guilty...of savagery and idiocy, disguised as entertainment. but only the promoters are guilty of promoting said trash.

i believe the word you are looking for is “installations.” “install” is a verb, you f-u-c-king idiot.

that gabe kapler sure has some awe-inspiring pointing technique.

you’re quite the embellisher...and so witty, too.

i wish i could fuck her.  she’s pretty hot.

the point obviously eluded you. no one said this kind of cheating was surprising in and of itself. but it’s quite surprising that a whole slew of them got caught and outed in a very public way.

i am drunk on the tears of SaTAN kroenke, kevin DEmonOFF, and even roger GOODhELL (cuz you just know he was rooting for his new bestest buddy the kroenk to win). and it is sweet.

the goodness of this piece is so immense it cannot be measured.  a heartfelt thank-you to you, mr. redford, from this st. louisan!

why the compulsion to be a pottymouth?  are you 15 years old or something?

holy shit, funny enough that shannon said that but even funnier with the freon effect, lol

wanna bet? i say he’ll be toast in 6 months.

fun to imagine, yes.