Oooof. That’s what I’m afraid of >.>
Oooof. That’s what I’m afraid of >.>
Not only from a visual aspect, the Dark Knight class also has very Berserk-like themes within its job story. Particularly ones relating to facing your character’s darker urges, brought on by anguish and regret regarding the people you’ve failed and the burdens you’ve undertaken. It makes it even more appropriate that…
Yeah, that’s possible. If I recall correctly, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles establishes that all Tyrants are cloned from a single dude so it’s not like they haven’t established the process already existing within the setting.
*timidly raises hand* I’d say why, but I don’t want to spoil Parrish...
The DNC better spend every waking moment of the next 2, hopefully 4, and hopefully many more than that, years worshipping the ground Stacey Abrams walks on. Without her tireless and clearly effective efforts in mobilizing the black vote in Georgia, getting people registered, etc, there wouldn’t have even been a…
Am I the only one who remembers Princess Sara from III?
Oooh, good tip. The boss item drop is explained by the game, but I don’t recall seeing anything about the Darkness boost!
Silent Hill 4: The Room - the game where you’re locked inside your apartment AND your apartment is trying to kill you!
I seem to remember her not wanting to raise the minimum wage all that much talking something about only raising it regionally.
President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
My bestie and I don’t talk politics anymore because as soon as I told her I preferred Warren she told me I might as well vote Republican. Another so-called friend called me “too smart to be so stupid” about Warren. These are things said to my face by people I’ve known for like 10 years. The cult of personality is real…
Maybe D'Vorah gets a break on Rate the Fatals now
Nothing worse than watching a restream and have the colors get all inverted or gray scaled when someone does a fatality or a krushing blow
Who is Alex Trebek?
I think your canteen also converts water into Monster, so the people of the future seem pretty into it as a whole
a baby that Sanders kindly asked to “keep that down a little bit” when they were shrieking.
Future Yakuza, but with added Stands/Personas/whatever?
I had the “it was about states rights” argument with someone at work. “If it was about states rights,” I asked, “why did Southern politicians fight so hard to have the federal Fugitive Slave Act enforced? A law that was all about slavery and superseded contradictory laws in free states?” Crickets.
He leaned into Bluetista, though.