This is a “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” moment, if Dave Thomas was the “Sir” in question.
This is a “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” moment, if Dave Thomas was the “Sir” in question.
Yeah the whole stimulus check issue has been a serious mess. And it’s doubly a shame, because it’s going to make people salty about the bill as a whole, even though there actually is some really good stuff in there besides the stimulus checks. The tax credits for children is actually fantastic, probably the best part…
Well the REAL item that they get hunted into extinction for would be the mantles. Those damn mantles...
Wow, that’s an even worse origin than I had ever guessed.
The even more accurate “defense” they would have is “Our donors are racist, and their money is more important than your emotional security in our educational institution”
Less than “employees”. They’re seen more as....let’s say “resources to be exploited” is a mild term for it.
I’m trying really hard to figure out what his thought processes must have been for playing that song during track?
Considering the dude looks like if you cross-hatched every college boner comedy bad guy frat bro into one person...yeah, I’m not shocked even a little.
Nothing can escape being branded with Pokemon. Nothing.
Your thumbnail had me worried that you were about to put Raubahn in the category of “Ain’t Shit”, and I was getting ready to square up and fight for my dude, but fortunately that was not the case.
I believe Woolie and Pat over at Castle Superbeast described her best in the title of this clip:
I mean he is in FBI custody. And that’s not somewhere I’d ever want to be. So there’s a chance he actually may face the consequences of his actions. If it was just the regular police, I’d wager he’d probably walk away. FBI, though? Much better chance of this guy ending up disappeared.
How long? Try immediately, while it was happening.
Yeah there was a chance of some actually important documents that could have been a legitimate danger to national security getting stolen out of there. I worry we’re going to hear more about that in the weeks to come.
It becomes increasingly more obvious with each passing moment that these people had no idea what they were going to do once they got in. Okay, so you broke in to a building. Now what? You don’t take over the government just because you occupy one building. Even if it was the White House, the government doesn’t rely on…
Did that man seriously build a freakin’ cross just to LARP with it in support of Trump? Is he trying to literally call Trump Jesus? These folks need help, for real.
After what the tireless efforts of Abrams and her team over the last couple have accomplished in a place that does not typically even flirt with going blue, the DNC better a) learn from her and bring the strategies that clearly work to other parts of the county, and b) start kissing her feet constantly for the next…
The DNC better spend every waking moment of the next 2, hopefully 4, and hopefully many more than that, years worshipping the ground Stacey Abrams walks on. Without her tireless and clearly effective efforts in mobilizing the black vote in Georgia, getting people registered, etc, there wouldn’t have even been a…
I’m glad when someone who is getting a biopic made about them is actually able to have a say in it, at least to some degree. Although maybe not in the case of how, say, the Motleyy Crue movie totally glazed over their shitty parts, like lightening the responsibility of domestic violence.
I actually really liked Baby. Definitely the most interesting villain in GT, and, from a conceptual level, an excellent way to continue on from what was introduced in Z. I’ll be quite happy to see how he plays here.