Jackgar Prime

Jailing someone for letting a young person read Slaughterhouse Five definitely sounds like the sort of thing you’d do if you were trying to set up a fascist state.

That’s not what community is. Community is the character-link upgrade system. The term is referring to the community of characters in the story, not any sort of online community. It’s not even a fighting game, it’s a completely single-player RPG.

Huh. I saw this showing up on the Japanese eshop, but didn’t realize it was getting a release here. I guess I’ll download it and kill time with it today until I go pick up DBZ Kakarot and Tokyo Mirage Sessions tonight. Puzzle and Dragons is still probably the best of all the match-3 games due to its orb dragging

Wait, when do people ever say that first one? I’m definitely a Bernie supporter (although Warren is solidly my second choice, far above anyone else in the primaries besides those two), and I’ve never once said or seen anyone say something that ridiculous.

Basically how I feel about the whole topic. An Uncharted movie feels redundant.

I have two. Finish games more often (I’m pretty good about it, but Death Stranding and Judgement keep guilting me every time I walk by my Playstation.) and get back to playing more fighting games. Fighting games have been my favorite genre of game, but I just hadn’t been putting the time into them that I used to in

I have no experience with Hunger Games in any form and trust me, these things are still creepy without that.

Well obviously no one went to see it. Not after hearing that you all died 9 times when you went to see it! I certainly wouldn’t go see a movie after it commits a mass homicide.

Oh, no question. That’s why I’d be so anxious about seeing something new since it was announced.

This ended up being way more over the top than I was expecting. Which I’m cool with! When it was first announced, I figured it was going to be sort of the Platinum Games version of a Dark Souls-style game with Square-Enix budget, but it definitely looks like the combat is more along the lines of the sort of games they

I think Playstation was just the only one in the trailer because this was revealed during a Sony event.

Babylon’s Fall wasn’t an announcement. That got announced a year and a half ago at a Square Enix E3 2018 presentation, although we hadn’t heard anything about it since then until today.

As much as I love my Switch, I do hope this isn’t the end of the DS-style hardware. The dual-screen setup actually was pretty genius, and quite useful for a number of games.

I see they finally came out with a sequel to The You Testament. About time!

So...can Maximillian finally stop doing the color alterations all the time when he posts Mortal Kombat content (kontent)?

I like “Buttigang”. Mostly because, after his campaign is over, they can rebrand as the “Booty Gang”, a group that roams from strip club to strip club across the country, on a quest to see the best and worst on offer.

Now playing

Lindsay Ellis did an interesting video talking about this perception of fiction aimed at teenage girls in a video she made about Twilight, which was kind of the ultimate storm of the reaction against YA girl-focused fiction:

Well there’s a video game about trying not to shit in your pants, so there is a precedent.

I figured they weren’t making the Monster, they just had access to a massive warehouse full of unopened cans, figured “Well, this shit isn’t going to expire anytime soon, and we can’t get stuff like coffee easily to use as a stimulant, which our delivery folks will definitely need, so let’s just load the rest houses

I mean you can literally invent Mountain Dew and Doritos by name in Peace Walker (the Japanese version, at least), and those JF Ray sunglasses in V were pretty up-front, especially with a big block of text basically saying “THESE ARE THE COOL GLASSES YOU CAN BUY”, so there was plenty of it going on back then, too.