Jack Frink

Also, Audrey wasn't "shrill." She was angry, and with good reason. Her husband IS a milquetoast and Audrey knows something is wrong. Charlie's phone call confirmed it.

He's delivering the groceries.

The jerky reminds her of the Woodsmen. The logo on the jerky is very close to the "mother" shape. "Men are coming!"

I thought it tracked. Still seemed like demanding, foreceful firecracker Audrey. Her sarcasm and eye-rolls were right on.

Seeing the Palmer house for the first time (the outside) gobsmacked me.

Really surprised that so many people don't get that Audrey's scene is dovetailing directly with Ben's recognition of Richard's terrible crime. The stolen truck, "Billy"missing - it's part of the same issue. The reason we didn't hear what Charlie heard is that we had already established that Richard is known to have

I thought Fenn was great.

It will play better.

IMO there were multiple show-stopper moments.

A lot of stuff happened this week. The cops are onto Richard, the Horne family is aware of their son/grandson being a murderer (clearly that was what Charlie was hearing on the phone), Truman has the key to room 315, Sarah knows the Woodsmen are coming, the coordinates on Ruth's arm point to Twin Peaks. Stuff is

Jacoby's rant about politicians being bought and then laughing as we suffer ("fuck you for hurting the people you were elected to help!") definitely resonated with me with all the healthcare terror we have been dealing with.

11 and 12 were both excellent IMO. The whole season has been.

Overall this episode pulled quite a bit at the heart strings.

Audrey's introduction wasn't anticlimactic at our household. And while she wasn't "impish" - not the word I would use to describe her at any age - she was as fiery and strong-willed as ever. So many on these boards were thinking she was going to be comatose or otherwise unable to function; to see her with so much

Whiteout Conditions is great.

Yea I noticed the "hockets." I thought it was an interesting approach that worked for the material.

Really? I liked Painting With a lot.

Yeah I really like Pop and don't understand why people think it's bad. "Please," "Last Night On Earth," "Mofo." Lots of great stuff there.

To "succeed" in the past, all he has to do was obstruct. But now his inability to govern and lead is on display. He's very good at being devious and cynical, and that gets you far in the GOP.

Some will. Many are already saying "don't forget how sleazy he has been."