Jack Frink

Yea that's exactly how the character comes across. He's kidnapping the baby because he has a crush on Sarah. This is not someone interested in being a serious ruler.

I love how Bowie plays Jareth as a
spoiled rich kid who is clearly too irresponsible to competently run his kingdom. I'm surprised some people found him scary - I always thought the point was that he was clearly not intimidating.

I like that album…

Thank you for not mentioning "Zombie Nightmare."

"Yep, that's correct. I totally remember now. I wrote that."

It'd be weird if he got a big role in a blockbuster - like playing a Batman villain or something.

The outtakes of that scene are a riot. The actor playing the landlord: "I'm very aroused!"

Mid 30's.

Wonderful actress. Huge loss.

That's gonna need to be the strategy going forward.

Yeah. What the hell is this?

It's not so much that the populace has moved that far to the right, it's that the U.S. right wing has become so tolerant of openly fascistic ideas.

The policies are pragmatic. The campaigning is often not.

I got that vibe too. Are these people mad at folks going against Trump? I don't understand their PoV at this point.

What is your fascination with my forbidden closet of mystery?

A lot of people have problems with Sanders' personality while agreeing with his views.

Yeah this article reads like it was written by a far-leftie who likes to defend Trump in veiled ways.


He's also been on several big scoops. America needs all the allies it can gather at this point.

That part was weird. He has never represented that.