Jack Frink

Haha you think you're being clever.

Your cynicism makes you so cool.

The idea of Trump standing to the side of a porn scene, and the camera panning to him at the end for this speech is a hilarious idea.

Wow…to me that might be his best.

Pop shamed so many people in the sports industry with that answer. Great stuff.

Well you missed some great music.

Might as well say Evelyn and Noah Cross.

Walt Jr. is one of the heroes of the show.

That's extremely common. When it came down to it, Wendy defended her child and fought back against Jack. She's a hero.

Italy in the 1940's!

This is basically the Trump-world reading of the family dynamic.

You can see where each of the kids get each of their eccentricities from both parents.

The end of Mother-Daughter-Razor-Lazer brings that out.

Bob and Linda Belcher and their kids Tina, Gene and Louise. IMO the best family relationship on television.

When I saw them a few years ago they were great.

Calm down.

She didn't want to record new stuff. I agree with their decision to part ways and think people are really overstating her importance.

They gave it a B. Not negative.

I've never seen him smile like that. Also seems to have dropped a few pounds.

That's the height of hipster backlash right there.