Jack Frink

Not sure that's true anymore.

She's good in Pineapple Express.

I guess MRAs have a different definition of "exonerated."

"It's not Batman!"

I think the "lazy title" is supposed to be taken tongue in cheek. And the song's structure is exciting, with a coda and lyrics that are really lovely ("and no one's there to read your reflection when I'm gone"). It's never sounded lazy to my ears.

It's not the best one, but to my ears it's still a classic. I think it may be my favorite Pavement record.

It's either that or Challengers.

I can't imagine purging Channel Orange or the majority of my New Pornographers stuff.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit, with Judge Doom's true form at the end.

Fleshlumpeater was pretty frightening IMO. I thought the CGI did a good job - I honestly don't think it would be possible to do that with live action.

Other than Season 2, I think 6 is the best thing they ever did.

I have the complete run of Community because I own them all on DVD.

It was not used in Godfather.

He's the only Imperial who ever gets the "Grand Moff" rank, I believe.

Oh absolutely. He is kinda the real "main villain" of the piece, IMO. I also love the last shot of him before the Death Star blows.

Obi-Wan and Tarkin feel like real people to me, too. It helps they were played by two great actors, of course.

Ford really delivers one of the lived-in performances in the movie. He apparently hated playing Han but he was lights-out at it.

Damnit, it's gonna be Green Day, isn't it?

I liked his show. At least the songs were good.

The idea that Michael Scott would parody a song about a dead child is so perfect.