Jack Frink

Still think that's tame compared to ToD.

Is that the scene where she's crying as the guy is on top of her? That was disturbing but I'm not sure it's "rape" as she seeks the "customer" out.

Literally watched that episode last night.

Criterion needs to get on a release of that.

Ebert said it was one of the 10 best of the 90's.

Wow, really?

The Master isn't that?

I didn't find the ending of Another Year all that bleak.

Eh…maybe I don't remember the movie that well? I have no idea what you're referring to.

Yes, you're very cool.

That movie is radioactive.

I am really happy with the Scott Pilgrim we got.

Bush publicly said he favored a Constitutional amendment to ban marriage equality. It was one of the planks of his re-election platform. He was, for many, the face of the public conservative campaign against it.

License to Kill is one of the best Bonds.

Let's not go crazy now.

Kill whitey!

I'm just glad he's looking healthier these days.

He was very good in that role.

The Rosalyn Sanchez character sounds like a humiliating role.

Temple of Doom has a lot of nasty stuff. Gremlins has the main Gremlin melting in the end. I can't remember too much else.