Jack Frink

I think she's pretty darn good on Girls.

In the name of decency, this should lead to O'Reilly's firing. The fact that it is Fox in 2016 means it won't though.

Let me holla at you.

Nope. LBJ doesn't come off as bad, really, when compared to the CIA and other functionaries.

Good projection.

"Perfect legislation."

I really don't think even NBK scolds that much. There's a go-for-broke madness in his best work that is galvanizing.

Natural Born Killers is "unhip?" What?

Get your fainting couch.

My response exactly. I get why people my Dad's age have a knee-jerk response to its alternate mythmaking, but it's simply a fantastic piece of cinema. On its own terms, I can't see an argument against it.

Piss poor history is irrelevant to whether the movie is good or not.

Even as a fan of his work, I have to say U-Turn is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

JFK, Natural Born Killers and Platoon "sucked?" Wow. I liked W. as well. I can maybe see NBK not being your cup of tea, but JFK is a landmark of technical filmmaking and engrossing, suspenseful screenwriting with a once-in-a-lifetime cast.

Nope. Not the film's theory. Jones character, Clay Shaw, wasn't even connected at the high levels.

Stone has been pretty obnoxious for a long time (though he's also made a lot of good points in interviews), but his run from the mid-80's to mid-90's is one of the best ever.

That's good. In all seriousness, Van hasn't looked good in years.

It got a 0.0? Holy shit is Pitchfork insufferable.

Not surprised these sound good. Indie Cindy was a much better album than anyone gave it credit for.

I'm sorry you're not good at jokes, too.

"Played a large part…"