Jack Frink

I disagree. I thought Blue Jasmine and Midnight in Paris were great. It doesn't make them less so because they're not Radio Days. Judge a film on its content, not its relation to other work.

Encounters at the End of the World is also amazing.

Hey, Baruchel is basically the star of This Is The End. He's doing fine.


I also think Will Ferrell did a good job in the underrated Melinda and Melinda.

It must be a privilege to not run into those people in real life. They may not be nuanced, but I totally recognized those personalities.

I didn't even think the Americans were over the top. There are people exactly like that all over this country.

Really dislike the portion of movie reviews that go out of their way to say "this is better than *other movie that was well-received, but I don't like so I'll just talk like everyone shares my opinion." I don't see how the author's view of Midnight in Paris are helpful for analyzing this title.

D'oh! He's still great.

So I'm not the only person who's noticed that.

Bruce Greenwood kills as that character.

I think that's the point. We're supposed to wonder why she cares about George at all.

It worked because she was such a stick in the mud. The chemistry was supposed to be off.

My thought, as well.

There's a brief second where he seems a bit upset. It immediately melts away, though.

Three really mean people and a goofball existing in his own universe.

How soon before a Trump fan accuses Takei of "race-baiting?"

Absolutely stole his scene in Shutter Island.

As sabotage?

I was not as taken by The World's End. This Is The End was far better (where's that movie?) Other notable misses: Pineapple Express, A Serious Man, Juno - even though this site has a weird distaste for it.