Jack Frink

Two things.

She's quite good in Snow Angels and The Aviator.

Wow someone with the anti-Beyoncé hot take.

Kubrick was personally abusive, at least on the Shining set. Fincher does a lot of takes but is not a bully.

Yea the worst I've heard about Fincher is that you have to do hundreds of takes.

Woody is not difficult to work with according to most accounts.

Scar-Jo wanted to do a nude scene for The Island, but Bay nixed it because the resulting R rating would hurt the audience reach/box office pull. Then the movie tanked.

Spielberg is taking out all the references to his own works.

Both are fantastically popular pieces of misery-as-entertainment. GoT has better production values/screenwriting/acting, a more expansive world and a lot more rape. Walking Dead has more satisfying zombie-killing.

Real counterpoint(s): Ghost Protocol and Fury Road.

Bees are on the what now?

Here's the tragedy of this: I believe Eisenberg was trying to bring something special to the screen. I think everyone in the cast - from Affleck to Cavill on down - wanted to put great work on the screen. But the project was so rushed, and the screenplay and direction so wrongheaded, that nothing the actors could do

The domestic violence allegations have to have something to do with that disappointing Alice haul, right?

This is not the right time for nitpicking, but why do you think Robert Johnson, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Kurt Cobain had "morbid narcissism?"

I think Affleck's Batman movie has a chance of being good.


This paragraph-long question is pretty confusing.

I think License to Kill is one of the best Bond movies, actually.

Just recently re-watched the Larry Sanders episode "Trust," which centers on hot-new comic Spade appearing on Leno the night before he's supposed to be on Larry. Good episode.

That's almost surely what it's about. However the song is funny and has a good hook.