Jack Frink

You don't seem like a serious person. Pretty sure I know everything worthwhile about you.

6 months. And yes. Give people enough time to "get used" to the way of life, then yank that away. It's a pretty cruel plan.

Bane was using populist rhetoric but it was all a ruse.

Penn as Andrew Jackson is good casting.

I assume that's the term you use for every person put off by your transparent grandstanding.

I didn't have problems understanding him. And Ra's al Ghul was definitely trying to destroy Gotham. Talia and Bane wanted to torture Bruce before destroying the city. The "slow twist of the knife" reasoning.

Country Mac for the win.

Good fathering, John!

Actors gotta eat.

Wasn't a big part of Carol's setup the fact that Blanchett and Mara are separated by age (as well as status)?

Better movie?

Also great in Zodiac. And Brokeback Mountain.


You seem upset.

Disagree. I think Scarecrow was done just about as well as the character could be, though.

There are only two types of kids here: ones who like Animaniacs and those who don't like Animaniacs!

But they also give weak comebacks. The online newsletters only include the first post, don't they?

It's pretty clear you don't really care about those issues. You're using them as a cover for your racial hang ups, with which you are clearly fixated.

"Hate group."

How is this folding? The intent of the song is very clear.