Jack Frayne-Reid

Hey, the dude makes a good movie every five years or so! It'd be a shame if the medicine-denial of Christian Science spelled an end to his wildly inconsistent career. He's not even obese anymore.

I've only watched the first three episodes, but it's worrying considering all the rumours of his ill health that Val Kilmer doesn't appear to be in this, as was originally announced. The dude usually does about a zillion movies in a year, but nothing so far for 2015. Does he show up?

Yeah, surely the film exists at this point in time because under Thatcher (who I still pretty much despise, no Conservative here) the party moved away from being run entirely by the old upper class, who were superseded by a new kinda nouveau-riche, aspirational sort of Tory. And, of course, under Cameron it's gone

Man, I think you gotta have just a couple of sentences more on what the Bullingdon Club actually is and its context in British politics, considering it's pretty incredible that the prime minister, chancellor of the exchequer and mayor of London were all part of the same "my dad's rich" social club at uni (stopping at

It's all very well for you Americans with your democratically elected heads of state, but as a UK citizen I'm perfectly fine that a public figure's mouthing off about our stupid fucking royal family.

Call me a bleeding heart liberal, but I've always thought black writers were capable of character development too.

If Neil Young doesn't outlive me I'll definitely lose my shit in a big way.