Jack Feerick

Wait, this wasn’t the one with the puppet?

Seems pretty disingenuous for a dude who, y’know, WROTE AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY to say that he’s not interested in telling the story of his life.

And indeed, one of the Basterds was himself German—an ex-soldier who fucking hated Nazis, made no apologies, and accepted no excuses. Go thou and do likewise.

The Jon Hamm/David Tennant video reminds me of a story about Cary Grant, who mistakenly received a telegram meant for his publicista reporter’s enquiry: HOW OLD CARY GRANT?

No joke, he would have made a better Doctor Strange than Cumberbatch.


The eyebrow thing he does, though.

Even ignoring the specifics of what happens in the films, the right-wing aspect of the films rests in their very premise: that the world is best kept safe by a privatized security service—obscenely wealthy, determinedly secretive, and accountable to absolutely no one. It’s anti-democratic, anti-transparency, and

I am a white person. I have known and loved this song for years. I once corrected a Black person who thought it was Stevie singing. I tried to be nice about it, though.

These sad sacks haven’t got the guts to murder anything except the English language.

Occasional paragraphs about UFOs interspersed with long conversations with realtors and descriptions of late nights browsing Zillow.

A true Writin’ Man will be glad to tell you about the nanny’s hotness. It was her hotness, after all, that clouded his mind and caused him to make such a terrible lapse in judgment that so badly wounded the people nearest and dearest to him.

“I went to Roswell because my wife threw me out after she caught me boning the nanny, and I figured a week in a motel on MTV’s dime would buy me the time I needed to line up an affordable bachelor 1 br/no smoking/no pets, even if it is in fucking Reseda or somewhere. I mean, the nanny’s parents sure as shit aren’t

It was in my case. The contestant relations people—the on-set chaperones—are very good, though; they know all kinds of social engineering techniques to prevent collusion and to keep contestants focused and relaxed. I won the first show before lunch break on Day One, and kept my streak going through the afternoon.

It very well may. I was so stony broke when I got the call that I wasn’t sure we’d be able to afford plane fare from New York state to Hollywood. But you get an honorarium even if you don’t win—$1,000 for third place, $2,000 for second—so I figured that even if I ended up losing money on the trip, I wasn’t losing much.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no.

The only do inserts if Alex blows a line, which is maybe once an episode. He’s an old hand at this. The tapings move very quickly. Once tape is rolling, an episode doesn’t take much longer to shoot than it does to watch. And the downtime between episodes is only 15 minutes or thereabouts, so you don’t have time to get

From personal experience (three wins, January-February 2009): The contestants hate ‘em too.

These tribes aren’t “secluded.”

What’s REALLY amazing is that—judging by the press coverage, at least—Margaret Atwood seems to be putting out a comic that has no art in it. Or at least that the impression that I get, given that not a single story I’ve read about this thing sees fit to mention the artist.