Jagger actually sings backup on the track; he’d have to have one hell of a sense of humor about himself to pull that off.
Jagger actually sings backup on the track; he’d have to have one hell of a sense of humor about himself to pull that off.
Interestingly, it was right around the same time that states started raising the drinking age to 21; it used to be 18 in most states.
I blame Ken Jennings.
That’s correct. You do get a $2000 consolation prize for 2nd place and $1000 for third, though. You only walk away completely empty-handed if you fail to make it to Final Jeopardy.
Maggie’s the best.
It’s always been unclear whether Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek is at all amused by the long-running Saturday Night Live sketches about his show...
So he’s saying that you’re a monster, but that you cannot recognize yourself as such?
When dealing with adjectives and nouns derived from French, the terminal “-e” usually indicates a feminine ending. So that brunet fellow is someone’s fiancé, while that brunette woman is someone’s fiancée.
Oh, if you want to get excruciatingly pedantic, it’s even worse: the correct spelling of blond/blonde and brunet/brunette will vary with the gender of the object, because they are gendered adjectives borrowed from French. So while Madonna might have blonde ambition, it’s perfectly acceptable (if stupidly highfalutin)…
A ten-dollar haircut on a two-dollar head.
Everyone remove your hat, throw it in the incinerator
My hand to God: The actual in-universe name of the musical style the cantina band plays is “jizz.”
That’s ... odd. When Felt was outed as Deep Throat, I seem to remember that one-time Nixon apparatchik Ben Stein wrote an op-ed calling Felt a “self-hating Jew.” Apparently Nixon’s delusion was contagious.
When asked why such a piece would run in the first place, CityNews’ editor said...
Pretty much as in the illustration heading this article, actually.
Your argument isn’t with me, son; it’s with the dictionary.
All three of the definitions you cite include variations on the phrase “based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.” You haven’t disproved my point; in fact, you’ve done the opposite.
(A) “Problematic” is absolutely a word we can use, should use, and have used when talking about white feminists WRT PoC, LGB ppl WRT trans* folk, and so forth. Indeed, it’s become a cliché by this point.
It puts the sin onto what they *are* and not what they *do*
Yup. When apartheid was dismantled in South Africa, the first order of business was to set up Truth and Reconciliation committees. The two go hand-in-hand. You can’t have reconciliation until you’re willing to grapple with the truth; and the longer you put it off, the harder it gets.