If understanding what words mean, being aware of my own social programming, and giving people credit for understanding their own lived experience makes me “every bad stereotype of a liberal,” then yeah; that’s a badge I’ll wear with pride.
If understanding what words mean, being aware of my own social programming, and giving people credit for understanding their own lived experience makes me “every bad stereotype of a liberal,” then yeah; that’s a badge I’ll wear with pride.
Fair point, inasfar as it goes; but I reckon that white feminists, LGB people, religious progressives et al., when considered as demographics, have not been as historically resistant to self-examination or outside critique as white dudes—because they’ve all been marginalized groups from the start. The dominant…
Well, whaddya know—what’s this at literally the first dictionary definition I find...?
You seem to be asserting—repeatedly and mistakenly—that Professor Grundy was “talking about individual white people.” That’s not the case. There was no naming and shaming of individuals going on; she said that “white college age males”—which is a pretty broad demographic group, covering a broad swath of European…
If a white guy signs up for a class in African American studies—which is Professor Grundy’s department—I should hope that he is willing to having have his primacy challenged and his assumptions shaken. Indeed, I think she would be remiss in her duties if she didn’t make the little darlings uncomfortable; the entire…
Apologies for the sidetracking, then. But to address your point, yeah, I do see a pretty clear connection between being a privileged population and being a problem population. Privilege both engenders feelings of entitlement in the individual and creates the conditions in the social environment whereby bad behavior…
I don’t think there’s a huge distinction between a “privileged class” and a “problem population,” frankly. Power corrupts and all that.
You can always put your fingers back in your ears, you know. Then it’s like I’m not even talking at all.
I was bitten by a radioactive awesome when I was a teenager. I don’t like to talk about it.
You seem to be conflating criticism of a white-dominated power structure with racism against white people. As has been pointed out upthread, they are not the same thing, and an academic’s critique of the dominant American culture is in no way equivalent to a pack opf drunk rednecks voicing their personal animus…
So, again: What do you propose? Should we ignore systemic racism and hope it’ll go away? Because to me, that looks like a losing strategy; we’ve been trying it for a long, long time, and it doesn’t seem to have worked.
Not a disease, son. Just growing pains.
Individuals should be judged on the basis of how they are colored when they are born according to you.
It took a whole two replies to get to the inevitable #NotAllWhitePeople. I’m disappointed.
Because a nation can never live up to the ideals of its founding myth until it comes to grips with the sins of its reality.
I actually worked up a seamless 80-minute mp3 mixtape for those occasions when I’m crushed by melancholy, and it’s surprisingly useful. I ended up using a lot of covers, for whatever reason.
Thanks for explaining my own joke to me! I understand it so much better now.
Li’l Prepper Toy Company presents: BABY’S FIRST BUG-OUT BAG
...that’s what they did to Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, isn’t it?
By a remarkable coincidence, “play tunnels” are also where most child kidnappings come to an end. Or is it crawlspaces? I can never keep those straight.