Jack Feerick

"How long must we play this game… of thrones?"

"How long must we play this game… of thrones?"



Kid's got leukemia, man. Cthulhu is small fuckin' potatoes compared to that shit.

Kid's got leukemia, man. Cthulhu is small fuckin' potatoes compared to that shit.

Honest to God, it was just electrifying.

Honest to God, it was just electrifying.

Joe Strummer fronting the Pogues on the Hell's Ditch tour. Late 1990. Orpheum Theatre, Boston MA, third row center. Just astonishing.

Joe Strummer fronting the Pogues on the Hell's Ditch tour. Late 1990. Orpheum Theatre, Boston MA, third row center. Just astonishing.

Have you learned nothing from the advertising campaigns of the 1990s, Cap'n? That's not TV. It's HBO.

Have you learned nothing from the advertising campaigns of the 1990s, Cap'n? That's not TV. It's HBO.

Wasn't it Moffat & Gattis's original plan that the show be 60 minutes? This really suffered from being stretched to 90, I think, but it could have been an entertaining hour.

I hate to play that "Yeah. but you forgot.." game, but guys. "Ballroom Blitz." Because COME ON.

If true, this is actually kind of heartwarming. It's kind of like the third act of a romantic comedy; "You mean it was just a misunderstanding after all? Oh, honey, let's never fight again!"

I'm thinking it's a typo for "iconic."

Hugh Laurie has basically been playing Holmes for the last eight years already. Give the guy a break.

21, off the top of my head. I'll need to give more though to H, P, V, X, and Y.

Yeah — in the Dickens, Fan is quite a bit younger than Eb; she can barely touch the top of his head while standing on tiptoe.

So wait — if Scrooge's mother died giving birth to him, then how does he have a younger sister?