Jack Feerick

Phil Daniels is set to reprise his role as the rebellious Jimmy Cooper, now grown into a troubled, drug-dealing gangster

Round about 2007–2008 Animal Planet did a reality competition called Groomer Has It, hosted by Jai Rodriguez (the most useless of the Five Magical Gays from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy), and set in the high-stakes world of … concierge-style dog grooming.

The version I heard was… quite a bit more embarrassing. For starters, he was under the desk, which had a glass top, and she was squatting over it.

Holy shit, can you do that now?!?

My favorite part of Captain Phillips is on the DVD, when the card comes up saying PIRACY IS NOT A VICTIMLESS CRIME. Man, you've got that right.

2009? Shit, this has been around since 2003 at least; it was created by a dude going by "Freelance Hairdresser" under the title "Marshall's Been Snookered."

Really? When's he gonna start?

Dear AV Club Forum,
I never believed your letters were real until it happened to me…

Is the product actually called "the Hopper"? From the commercials, I would have sworn it was TH' HOPPAHHH.

Mills has no track record of any kind…

Well, sort of. Tony Butler is not part of the reunion; the bass chair is being filled by Derek Forbes, who played for Simple Minds in their glory days, making this sort of an '80s Celt-rock supergroup.

Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, wasn't it? "Popular Creeps" was a terrific little song.

"Though the references and symbolism occur so frequently and
kaleidoscopically, it can induce whiplash upon the first (or fifth)
read, that’s one of the things that makes Watchmen such a tour de force of storytelling…"

Standing in the Shadows of Motown. And yeah, it was fantastic.

So in context, would the English equivalent to using "vosotros" be more like

Younger brother.

I'm still trying to make "D-Perks" happen.

The historical record is inconvenient like that.

Les Baxter presents the Pipes of Pan at Jajouka.

This is how you know you have arrived.