
You could also say Rick KILLING their Dad just may have pushed porch Dick jr over the edge and he was intent on shooting Carl long before "mom" mom"….. and that family was annoying. Glad they all died.

The creators have already basically said Carl will be the survivor out of this whole thing, yeah he isn't going anywhere.

Hey he'll at least get an eye patch and will look like a badass.

not really, its still a conspiracy. Aliens were at the forefront in conspiracy but in reality most episodes were non-alien related.

Not really he loved conspiracy more than Aliens, when are people going to get this?

Think most of us are cowards really, basically taking the easy & normal way out. Not making waves, keeping with that status quo, comfort before discomfort. We just have some moments in our life when we chose something besides ourselves. Its why we're repulsed by them and are fascinated with them at the same time.

Debbie technically raped a guy and you expect her to make good choices?

I've seen Dano in person. He was just casually walking around in my beach town. Looks exactly the same in person. Honestly he sort freaks me out and seeing him in person, I'm now more freaked out by him.

Netflix streaming is BS, except for some of their shows. Their movies on streaming has a godawful selection so they try to make up for it with the new added shows. Seriously don't get the Netflix love.

Then there is the rest of that sort of think he may be guilty but that police department was very corrupt. They were out to get him regardless of his guilt or not.

Confessions isn't hard evidence. Hardly any hard evidence was found. Also the young age, its very possible he did the "confess" to impress people .Teenagers are like that, they lie a lot….and the knife well the defense originally was hesitant about using it in the trial, hey even had doubts about it but later included

they would just be bought out. Don't other very corrupt countries use this system?

Grew up poor and have to laugh a bit people coming to the realization that cops/lawyers/the state can be bad and plant evidence. When you grow up poor, you realize very early on, they shouldn't be trusted and if you get accused of something you are f*ed. guilty or innocent, you will get the same sentence. If you go to

Exactly and it wasn't his only odd behavior toward women. More than one woman reported he threatened them.

Read his book and he is a good writer.

While can see why Damien would have an opinion and the stories are similar, the two aren't the same. There was very little physical evidence found against the WM3, very little. That isn't the case with Avery at all. Even if the cops did plant evidence, Avery had a history of threatening women and Teresa herself

Gen X still cynical as f*ck.

What! No, The Walking Dead! I'm shocked I tell you shocked!

Nope, it had its worst season and frankly not on the list. Hardhome & the season finale were great the rest thumbs down.

There is a lot of love for the show but it doesn't belong on the list. Its popcorn done well.