
GOT a very mediocre season. Hardhome was one of the series best epsidoes but everything else fell flat. Miss the Hound and psycho Jofferey.

Mad Men is good but the wtf The Americans being #2. for the life of me don't get the love for ths show, its a soap opera at best. Thats the only WTF. Fargo should at least be #2.

Those white shirts with the stripped shoulders were around until mid-80s every single guy in HS had one.

seriously WTF were they thinking when they gave this the greenlight. They even shut down press coverage for it. It was probably bleeding money even before it was released in the US.

nah…its only made around 43 million since its early release overseas and cost over 100 million to make. China is really the only market giving it any money. Its pretty much bombed already.

How about this, I had rather for them to remake Casablanca.

shitty? shut your front door because your shitty opinion should't splatter on anyone else.

You were right according to the VO last week, I bow in defeat.

Crazy Peggy theory would connect the dots pretty much and explain why its in the story. She was present during all the sightings except for when Hanzee was possibly abducted. It has something to do with Peggy, Hanzee or even Hank. One of them is key to why its in the story.

Well the lights did appear in episode one and in episode 4 after Hanzee was at the Restaurant. There was even a time elapse and it returns to Hanzee looking startled laying on the ground. Someone below had a theory which is very plausible that Peggy, the witness being left is putting it in the story and we know Peggy

Did you watchers of the wall not see the UFO symbology is every freaking episode!!! We've already seen the thing twice, the other episodes all had some hinting to it, this time it was just up close. It didn't just come out of the blue unless you are a very shallow viewer. Take it your more on the shallow side?

If Peggy is the witness that talks about the UFO, it just being in the story at random makes sense, because well its crazy Peggy. However in S1 Lou says he "saw something thing he could never explain". So think Lou did see something that night because he talks about it in S1,he doesn't refer to as a UFO though.

Well it wasn't crap turned out to be the UFO.

That would be a great ending to the UFO thing. Hank the summoner of UFOs.

Peggy didn't see it the first time, it had already left by the time her car hit Rye. He was standing in the road in awe, its light was gone and her car lights appeared.

Love that we anticipated Mike as the person we were expecting. First on the scene is what we anticipated. He is then dead dog last on the scene and then makes a quick exit. F*cking brillant.

Rewatching it to see if there were lights in the sky following them

"the ship has no impact on events"

Schmidt was minutes from death by Peggy. She was going to take him out for sure.

Curious as to why it didn't take you out of it the very first episode? It was very apparent it was an episode that got Rye killed. The UFO is what started the whole thing. It began the war and the bloodbath.