
UFO was a magnificent sight. The writers have balls bigger than most shows strung together.

Someone will probably get took up into the thing for good next week. Calling it now that its Hanzee.

Bet most of the audience was sitting at home with their mouths having open during that scene. Forget the Red Wedding, the UFO invasion was more jaw dropping

Gerharts showing up bought him sometime. Peggy was minute away from taking out his a**.

good catch.

Well…some have said its Mike. Don't we all want him to make it to the end?

He was following orders with no hesitation up to that point, episode 4. He has been present 2 of the 3 times we have physically seen it or its lights. That UFO has a thing for Hanzee and apparently f*cking hated the Gerharts.

Ed & Peggy have tortured and killed more Gerharts than Mike Milligan at this point. The big boss should hire them.

ha that would be a funny twist.

Its those subtle little sounds as well, from dogs barking in the background to the wind howling.

She is sweet to him in her own way.

Lou is what cops should be and no cop is going to be perfect. This isn't law and order.

Electrocuted him a few times as well, feed him beans when he told he didn't like them. Peggy has a sadistic side.

Dude your opinion is in the minority but its like people that talked sahit about Ozymandias.

The mother/mothers have them?

He broke mine when he said "All I wanted was water" A loyal man that earned a bronze star treated like dirt. Then even felt for him more when he said he was tired. Hanzee and Mike have a lot of layers to them and would love it if we got a spin off on those two.

No one talking about Hank suddenly becoming sick tonight. Think its tied to whatever is in that room, if its Aliens, him losing it or he has failing health. There were also symbols above the bar where Hanzee killed the bartender.

…or he wanted to cut it to go into hiding?..someone about said it was his moment of if they cut it he would let them go, if they refused he would kill them. Think thats good insight. Then Lou & Hank showed up and ruined that plan. Think he initially wanted to find Dodd & return him. When no one cared about him and

The other 3 probably left and Simone was the youngest.

No they were symbols if some sort and not "ranch" symbols. Someone on another board said they spotted Nordic ones. go to imgur and someone has posted an image of them.