
"Oh I'm sorry you said you didn't like beans." Then keeps feeding him without breaking her focus. Her and Bokeem Woodbine are the best out of a very well acted season….after tonight would add Zahn McClaran (Hanzee) to the list. Not a single person on the show is a weak actor. Its just picking the best of the best.

Rumor is Piazalotto is being demoted for S3 and won't be solo.

They do look similar, except Hank had a lot of "kid" like drawings of UFOs and physical objects.

Lou telling Hank he was afraid of Betsy more than him gave insightful into her.

"Here we hanged 22 Sioux Indians." Does anyone know if that plaque actually existed anywhere or a true story behind it?

"I think, when he sat down for that haircut, he was leaving it up to the Blumquists". Insightful. His Anton Chigurah moment. Hank & Lou decided it for him instead of Ed & Peggy. Think he will go back to Floyd. Who else does he have at this point. He may be "tired of this life" but its the one he was given after they

The type of show that f*** you till the very last second.

Seriously would love to have a transcript to this episode. So many funny lines its hard to remember all of them. Laughed through the whole thing. Roared when heard Dodd said very weakly, "she hurt me bad"

Dodd not only hated women he always underestimated them. He was electrocuted, stabbed & lectured and let Peggy live because he probably saw her as weak. She then paralyzed him. A fool is a person that is weak but sees others as weaker. He was a weak arse fool.

Peggy is batshait crazy, crazy usually survives.

Funny and foreshadowing.

"Well there is a war going on up there, maybe they're busy" This is the best show TV also the best comedy on TV.

Billy Bob is what in his late 50s, maybe 60? He wouldn't be old enough to be high ranked in that world. He would be a wet behind the ears peon.

Sounded like she had been sexually abused by her dad on top of it. She hinted at it several times and him controlling her was a big sign. Wanted her to be the one that took out Dodd but instead we're getting Peggy.

Think Mike is going independent and rouge. His face alone,when his race was brought up, said it all. All his talking about Revolution before the undertaker arrives showed his hand. He is becoming independent and don't think its out of fear, its for another role and some revenge. Wouldn't be surprised if him and Floyd

Undertaker wasn't there to kill Mike he was there to take over the job. He went to finish off the Gerharts not Mike. Big boss sent him in to take over for Mike, which was a bigger insult to him. Its why Mike says "we'll just tell them the Gerharts killed him."

SOA sucked hairy man butts. it was an awful poorly written show that was trying to compete with GOT for violence and Sutter refused to kill of main characters. Comparing the 2 shouldn't even be considered.

thanks, meant Molly. got the names mixed up.

Don't mess with a country girl she'll have a bigger gun than you.