
…or the Scranton strangler.

Oh, good catch. I don't know what the F it is lol, just guessing.

It doesn't say how she died. If she "ran" away maybe Lou wanted Betsy to think she had died from her cancer?

Maybe they thought they actually wanted their brother back? What else do you do with a mobster in your trunk? Broker an agreement and shake hands. Oh think it was Hanzee calling them not Ed

yep..if she had asked about Charlie he wouldn't have took her out to the woods.

Lou talking about greed, Mike is very greedy he hit the nail on the head.

In Season one does Lou talk about any that went missing? Possible one of them is abducted for good or Betsy is healed.

The writer has some Simone hate and because they don't understand her part, doesn't mean its deserves less. Simone shows what happens to women in those families. You are Floyd or a victim of it. She became a victim of it.

The best part about the Undertaker he wasn't there to take Mike out. He was there to take the job away from him and kill remaining Gerharts. He failed so another person got sent in, its why he was told he was coming. A boss doesn't tell the hit a hitman is coming to kill him. The undertaker had no intention of

Its all about the UFO, don't thinks its Egyptian. Wondering if he got abducted and maybe her? Betsy got dizzy just like she did when she held her hand over the UFO bit 2 episodes ago. So much happened its hard to even dissect it all.

Beautiful cinematography and an ode to Millers Crossing. This week Miller Crossing, next week it will be No Country for Old Men.

Really A-? That is one of the best episodes I've seen of any show on TV. Seriously, this show delivers one punch after another. Little speechless after it. Oh and maybe Ed is the Keizer Soze of Fargo. A farking A….

OK list but that is the only one that one a definite no.


Just got done reading it….and will say the last half was much better. Franzen just needs to stay away form the sex scenes, they're atrocious. Just leave it alone Jonathan and your books would be improved because of it. Liked it better than Freedom and the biggest shocker no birdwatching in this one.

Don't you think a certain big antagonist person will get more intro time than 4 episodes lol?

Think he will crawl up underneath the dumpster his head was only about an inch or tow from underneath it.

Daryl or Morgan.

Yes he was going back to Alexandria…until he heard Rick talking about how they could take care of themselves in the town. Rick was right….all it took was Carol.

That is exactly who Daryl is, a lone wolf that gets bored staying on one place. He gets angsty, he wanders off but always comes back. If you haven't noticed he does it all the time.