
TV has suddenly all become As the World Turns.

It was filled with trash coming out of the top, they didn't have time to get into it.

He's not dead, guarantee it.

Glenn is alive and it all comes down to the shirt. Glenn's shirt had a tan colored shirt, Nicolas a light grey/blue one. The shirt being ripped up is grey. Also very convenient for Glens head to be just inches away from underneath the dumpster. He will crawl from underneath Nicolas, whose dead on top of him being ate

Glenn was introduced in the 2nd episode.

Peggy=Leonard type. Her boss was right she is bad.

AMC although their current shows aren't measuring up, except for Better CAll Saul.

….or the balloon Betsy found.The kid was tripping, he probably just saw that dang ballon.

Not one bad performance. All of them are putting in good performances. Think this is the best acting series on right now.

They're not threatening like the cousins. So can't see the comparison. More like the silent snarky arseholes side kicks.

Really? Get a strong pulp fiction vibe from him.

He plays the charismatic psycho well. Where the heck has Hollywood been hiding this guy? Best actor in both seasons.

Other than Hardhome (best episode of the series IMO) this season was lackluster. My least favorite season.

Think we won't see Jon at all see next season, unless its near the very end,,,, we won't get a lot of Jon until season 7. Which means boys & girls…a season filled with mostly Dany, the stark kids, throw in some Lannister drama. Hey, look on the bright side, maybe we'll get to see the little f*cker Olly impaled by a

Not since the show is veering away from the books….actually don't know that answer.

Wildings are just pretty much badass period. They don't want the throne, no real hierarchy, the only thing they answer to is each other & their families.

…or could be a reference to something else, lady something something?

Only mystery if its Jon or Tormund.

Stanis will probably kick her out after next episode, he has been giving her the cold shoulder this season. He rejected her touching him, that is a sign he's getting ready to send her back to castle black & away from his daughter. He has the big head now & thinks he doesn't need her magic. All of the chatter online

oh yeah they could be based on early Germanic tribes as well, still leaning toward the Picts or Martin just smushed the legends together.