
Won't be surprised if he ends up trying offing Jon or Sam

…but Jon "always comes back". even after….that.

Picts is exactly what I had in mind. The Wildings are one of my favorite groups, because they aren't about power, hierarchy but seek living by their own terms & gaining a piece of safe land. They actually treat each other as equals.

…they probably sharded their pants. Seriously, their family & friends rose from the dead, became white walkers new army, thats pant pooping worthy.

Karsi was a believable woman badass.

yep…its called the Scotts/Irish vs English & wouldn't be surprised if the Wildings are somewhat modeled after them.

He don't give a shait

This why I like the Wildings, they have their own moral code & abide by it. Tormund must have done what seemed appropriate to them, they didn't even bat a lash after he did it

So Gentry had the right idea the whole time, get on a fuckin boat.