New American Store

I’m gonna be straight up with you...It really bothers me that Iron Fist isn’t an asian person...

Looking back through modern eyes at Danny and Luke’s relationship in the original run, the part I’ve always loved is how clueless Danny is. He isn’t quite entitled, but otherwise he almost feels like a commentary on white, wealthy privilege. He comes to New York and inherits fabulous wealth just as surely as he

I highly recommend going out and finding the last year of the original PM/IF run, if you haven’t read it. Really great stuff.

As a black kid first getting into comics in the 90s, I had a pretty shitty opinion of Luke Cage. I found him embarrassing as one white writer after another just used him as the avatar of whatever they thought black culture was supposed to be. His dialog was laughable. His look was just gross. And while other heroes

This artwork is so great! It’s got more personality to it, than a lot of the typical stuff. Can’t wait.

All my Fallout characters

That Gaga, always ahead of the curve. Also, people are always trying to touch superstars like her, but for them it's routine. I guess one has to accept being treated as a piece of meat if one wants to get into showbusiness.

Where exactly is the line? If and when I take pictures it's usually big crowd shots, should I ask each and every person in the crowd if I can take their picture first? Just seems to me that if you're at a convention, you're going to be caught on camera. Even non-cosplayers are often going to be caught in a few

It is generally good etiquette to ask first nonetheless. Not everyone minds, but some people do, so it's best to be on the safe side.

Wait, taking a quick picture is considered inappropriate Anytime I go to a con I take pictures of lots of stuff, especially crowds of cosplayers. I'd think being constantly bugged to have pictures taken with someone would be more annoying.

I was about to say 'now that's a cosplay I'd like to see' but then I realized Lady Gaga already did it.

If somebody cosplays as Super Meat Boy, is it okay to treat them like a piece of meat?