Mike, Druid = Best class. But you should go bear it’s way more fun than kitty chicken or tree
Mike, Druid = Best class. But you should go bear it’s way more fun than kitty chicken or tree
Quite possibly, there’s been several people that I’ve seen say they didn’t like that episode either and nor did they like the musical episode of scrubs when that was done.
This worked in the whole sense of the show and episode, 2 whole episodes for a “musical” is just such a bad idea
Every single person involved in the show could sing and dance it doesn’t mean it makes for a good show.
Is either show a musical related show? No, no they aren’t, just because 2 people can sing doesn’t mean that they should make them sing.
So.... You want a guy to speak a language that isn’t a language?
They have re-released them 2 a couple of years back. Supposedly they are working on WC3 and D2
He’s not using a boombox, it’s a small little cassette player, nothing really fancy and it’s made out that it’s nice and new, it follows him being in a coma and then when waking up having a mid life crisis, he goes out and buys expensive sun glasses and a nice new expensive car and a tape player, it’s implied it’s new…
I feel like what you are saying is there’s only 1 way to be and that’s 100% PC which is possibly why the world is so fucked up these days, you can’t say anything for fear of making some thin skinned baby cry about it.
You don’t need to make a game use $’s for it to be accessible to americans, unless americans can’t understand the concept of a currency other than their own (which isn’t the case).
There’s people that have already remade WC3 within the SC2 arcade mode, also Blizzard are supposedly working on remakes of classic games they said some stuff on it a few years ago at Blizzcon but didn’t give any idea of time frames for releases or what titles they were definitively working on.
Thank you very much for the compliment :)
Oh definitely the management section of the game is terrible in nearly every way, you need far more detail of the employee before you hire them and even after you have hired them. Considering the game asks you to make choices based on people’s ethnicity you have to guess if someone is Asian for example to not piss the…
Considering that the game is set in a time period around the late late 60's early 70's the feminist protests and fire the black police would fit into the scenario, this isn’t a game that is made in 2016 about police in 2016 rather a game made in 2016 about police from another era.
I think Scarce would have had a far higher impact on the jump in subs considering he has a lot more subs + views than the cancer that is keemstar
The biggest issue I see with the quick play matches at this point when you are fully with random people is that 99% of the time they are in this KD mind set, so they sit back and try and farm kills and they also tend to stick the the classes that can output damage easier.
I said trivial amount, the numbers I gave were purely examples to indicate i wasn’t talking 100 coins for a win as some would still see that as trivial.
I have no issue with working towards and earning things, but this isn’t working towards anything. You could be unlucky and get numerous dupes box after box, you could get 4 sprays that you have over and over again, which would equal 20 coins as it’s like 5 coins per dupe spray.
You will actually find down the line that the competitive scene you will have people specialising in a small selection of characters. Each member of a team will play 1 or 2 different characters, you see it on the tournaments that are going on now.
While things still might be “easily obtainable” regardless you are still at the hands of RNGesus over it, while you say you haven’t played a lot and have got several legendaries there are people that would also claim they have not played a lot either and seen next to no legendaries.