Jack Eggebrecht

To be fair, just take a moment to imagine one of the survivors ahead of a herd, rolling along on a Segway.
"Haha, walkers! Still faster than you, except when the plot demands it!"
Segway Jesus.

Not really surprised; that reveal in the comics was sudden also, although I seem to remember it coming later (after All Out War?) and feeling slightly more organic.

Largely depends on who's in the scenes in question. For me, at least, the show long ago stopped being episodic and has become more of an anthology of character moments. Carol and Morgan continue to be as awesome as ever. Eugene continues to be intriguing. But the show hasn't stopped shoving extra stuff into the

Wouldn't doubt it. The comic has generally kept up a more brisk pace than the show on related story points, but even the comic made the Saviors war a slow burn that dragged on at points. With all the extra stuff the show has added onto that already extensive storyline, I wouldn't be surprised if the war is still going

Aaron and Eric, but I only remember those names because of the comic, not the show. :) Aaron is the recruiter I think (pretty sure it's not Eric), but I could be wrong. Neither the show or comic ever did enough to set them apart as individuals.

Hmm, tone it down you say? If JDM wants to get closer to how Negan's portrayed in the comics, he's going to have to tone it up. Comic Negan is a much bigger prescence (and not just because JDM comes nowhere close to Negan's body type and size) than show Negan.

Boyfriends…had to think about that a bit. Oh wait, you aren't counting Spencer are you? They had one "date" offcamera, unless I'm remembering incorrectly, right? I wouldn't count that, unless Rosita had someone besides Abe that I've completely forgotten about. Maybe it's just me, but I never got the sense Spencer's

So, pretty much like the comics, then?

Pretty good episode, overall favorite in awhile. Still, with that ending, I'm giving a pre-emptive cringe for how much of the second half of S3 will be Barry "gotta save Iris but keep the secret from everyone" storylines. Might be too much to hope for, but it would be great if all of that came to light for the whole

Would have made much more sense than Spencer running off into the woods, and chancing upon a redneck zombie stuck in a tree.

On the other hand, you'd miss the Trinity Killer. You could stop watching Dexter after that, though.

"My name is Barry Allen, and I may not be the fastest man alive, but I'm the fastest speedster alive by the end of each season."

Is it just me, or does Savitar look like Megatron with some LEDs attached? I definitely agree though, that beginning fight was pretty cool.

Yeah, plus that whole drama feels a little reheated. Cisco and Barry already had their disagreement when Barry refused to try to go back and save Dante. Cisco was rightfully upset, but then forgave Barry.

I definitely agree. For one thing, the team rarely took Rip's orders when he was around and the ostensible leader.

Alternative episode titles: *12 Minutes a Slave*, *Djefferson Unchained*

But that crossover episode where Barry speeds with Felicity, her clothes did catch on fire (think it was the first season), and she panicked and disrobed in front of the whole STAR labs team.

Hmm, intriguing. I can definitely see this, and it would explain Julian making a scene with Frankie in the lobby. He knew yelling at her would let Magenta out.

I read your comment and imagined the scene, and I lost it. So take another thumbs up.

Man, I know. Gustin and Patton have so little chemistry, I cringe whenever I watch the show try to shove them together, like same poles of a magnet.