Jack Eggebrecht

Edit: That's what's great about the posters here, pointing out things you miss and not being mean about it (and I certainly missed a lot). Good points, yes.

And how did the plan not involve calling FG for backup? Unlike either of the two, they have military training, equipment, numbers, and a strong desire…

Yeah, too bad they had to use whatever remix that was. Even though they didn't use the original song, still nice nod.

Or finale spoiler. Mayoral candidate DA Barracus and his campaign supporters die in a tragic fire covertly started by the Truthers.

Okay, this is really roundabout, but bare with me. Weckler knew nothing about zombies or Fillmore Graves…oh, Fill More Graves…can't believe I just got that. Right as I was typing too.

Indeed. I've really missed Villain Blaine.

Kudos to the writers for not giving Blaine a "you had to be there" comment at the end. Nice when the writers trust the audience to pick up the pun.

Hopefully ridding the show of a couple characters with severely wasted potential, but I'm sure we're not that lucky. But hey, if Vivian's death is the price for Jason Dohring, I say where can we kill a hundred more Vivian's? How about Ravi's ex-boss, she's bland enough. If we kill her off, can we get someone

How do people keep knowing who GI Joe Blo was? Fortesan? Was the show trying to get me to remember his name (did they only say it once in passing) by making it a weird one? What kind of name is Fortesan anyway? I know I'm harping on a detail here, but what did this guy ever do except sit in a few meetings to earn a

First one, no idea who that is.
Second, not in the least, she grated on me and I'm glad she's gone.
Third, oh right, that painted ditz who shows up every now and then, and I immediately forget about her when she goes off screen. If you hadn't had mentioned what she did, my response would have been the same as number one.

Hope not. A softer Jason Dohring didn't work on VM, and I don't see it working here.

Why not this episode? It said his name in the credits.

Ah Cavanaugh, that was his name, thanks! Except I refuse to call him that; I will refer to him as Mr. Mayo, for all the personality he brought to the show.

Eh, I didn't until a few seconds ago, but Liv and Drake never really worked for me, so it wasn't that memorable. Plus, now that I mention it, there was next to no fallout between Liv and Major for his role in the whole thing.

Haha…yeah, the stapling her face bit. That, along with vandalizing the interrogation room's camera the other episode—we know, and Clive knows (man, imagine how out of his mind he'd be going by now if he didn't), but no one else in the station knows, and that's not a private room. None of the other officers ever have

Go underwater, maybe? Guessing that's about a close as anyone can get to weightlessness-triggering on earth without paying a bunch of money to skydive or something.

But most of Liv's visions are, while triggered by some specific event, not planned. All the times that come to memory, when Liv has specifically tried to force a vision on cue, it's failed, or at least delayed.

Yeah, and what about Blaine? Zombie, then cured end of S1, then re-zombiefied after a failed murder attempt, then cured again under threat of impending death by pneumonia, but now re-zombified…again. So my question is, will Blaine still eventually have to face re-dying as a zombie again like he did the first time? Or

Please, do explain what you think gray area means then. I am genuinely curious to hear your side. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching David Anders crush this role, like he has in anything else I've seen him in. The man is a very talented actor who has the loveable but despicable villain thing down pat.

Except there wasn't a gray area, not really. After a couple days when Blaine remembered everything, he kept up the lie. And Liv was right, put Major at risk of death and essentially shoved Liv out of the cure. It wasn't grey so much as self serving. Where was the white part of Blaine to balance out the black (that