
If Arians didn't want the flag thrown then he should have given it to Ryan Lindley.

Antonio Pearly Gates

The Alpha and Omaha

The Psalm Bradys.

Jehovah's Witten-ness

Dead Sea Sproles

At 4-8-1, the Panthers are just a half-game behind the Falcons and Saints in the NFC South.

Newton's injury isn't expected to leave any lasting damage, and can't be exacerbated by activity, but he won't play until it's not excruciatingly painful to do so.

Note the ME he highlighted in "soMEone". Typical showboat, making the story about himself just because it is a story about himself.

After Newton's car flipped, the quarterback climbed out the shattered rear cab window and sat on the side of the road until help arrived.

I read it and did a double-take. The NFLPA won't stand for it. This is beyond Draconian. After all the shit Adrian Peterson got this season? They talk a big game about helmet-to-helmet collisions and reducing violence in football. And yet they're using clubs to discipline players now!?!?!?!?!!?!

Very subtle what Goodell did here.

Nice try, but if I'm not going to read the e-mails from my own HR department, I'm not reading them from the NFL.

"BRAAAAAAAAIN-islav Ivanovic ..."

OK, back to work, Greg. That Hot Topic's not gonna restock itself.

Masturbate to soft-core cable porn?

I'd like to also point out that Billy Haisley has not bothered to respond to my original comment on this topic. It would be nice to see him explain himself, but I guess that isn't going to happen.

As a brother to a 52-year-old woman who has severe mental retardation, I appreciate your sentiments.

How is it "a bit much", Billy? You're basically saying that while they can, and should, be punished for yelling racist shit, they should get a pass for yelling derogatory shit about "retards".

To make matters worse, Leaf was also drafted second overall in the prison football league draft behind Dirty Dick Danny.