I feel old, because I don't even understand anything that happened here.
I feel old, because I don't even understand anything that happened here.
Sorry, but this feels like an empty punishment to me. I mean, the Vikings' season ended weeks ago.
Thank You.
Nice Haisley. Steal my post from the Klinsman thread, keep it in pending and make it your own. Sweet job at Deadspin.
It's not the first time dummy text has made it through the copy editing process
"Hedy Hey Hedy Hey Hedy decky decky decky decky decky decky decky decky decky."
I think their first mistake was placing the finish-line on top of the pier.
Can we have class outside today?
Everyone played hard.
This is just proof that tripping over a cord really is one of the most aggravating things in the world.
Can't wait till they give that cord an extension.
The Bears just signed the cord to a 5 year contract worth 70 million dollars.
I first read the article title to say "Guinness Blonde American Lager is Pandering to You, Baldy"
Fortunately, Cutler is immune to criticism. Unlike his kids, who aren't immune to a goddamn thing.
Hate it when my team's quarterback allows a division rival to score 55 points.
PA Announcer: Everybody put your hands together for Bob!
lost in all this is that Mike Greenberg still sucks
"He's at the 45! He's at the 45! He's at the 45! He's at the 45!"