
that is one blazin' take. You are the guy fieri of takes. Muy caliente

el comedian?

What idiot posted this video on Instragram and not Bo-Vine?

Stringer Bull

Inside all of us, he runs still.

Well, this just made some legless African's day.

Are you okay? Where does it hurt the most?

In response, the father said: "You were not created for that... You will have your right while you work and earn money."

So you're geeked as hell about the World Cup, cranking out article after article about it, despite it costing billions of dollars that could have been better spent improving life for ordinary Brazilians.

Many of them are under police occupation; some are held by drug lords, and they are generally characterized by their isolation and lack of basic services. They are not super fun places

I don't think that Redskins fans are getting enough credit in terms of their understanding of Native American history. If there's one group that understands the tragedy of Wounded Knee, it's guys who bought an RGIII jersey.

Damn! Back in the day, I used to own him in my rotisserie league.

This tactic is only ridiculous because the article in question consisted of three rainbows written in cheese doodle dust on a trash can lid.

And baseball players who never felled their own tree!

Are YOU telling me that MJ wouldn't have fixed the A/C in time to win the game? He could have easily, he has the knowledge and the heart that any average electrician, let alone lebron, simply do not have

Just imagine if his parents had named him Jon Homerton! Just imagine! I love to imagine! Do you? Imagining stuff like puppies than can talk, or a cup of root beer that automatically refills itself, or a trampoline the size of a football field. Imagining is the best!

Following the incident, Colon was reportedly stuffed for days.

Just what we needed. Yet another article that highlights Americans' poor literacy and general stupidity. Thanks, Berry.

Note: if anyone has any The Big Lebowski comments to make, please go cram it. The movie's been out for like 15 years. We've seen it. Carry on.

Note: I also disagree that a White Russian is a "wimpy" or "lame" drink to order. They're goddamn delicious. Carry on.